Tax Information
Sales Tax
Arvada (Jefferson County) | |
City | 3.46% |
County | 1.6% Breakdown: 1.0% (RTD) 0.1% (Cultural) 0.5% (Jeffco Open Space) |
State | 2.9% |
Total | 7.96% |
Arvada (Adams County) | |
City | 3.46% |
County | 1.85% Breakdown: 1.0% (RTD) 0.1% (Cultural) 0.75% (Adams County) |
State | 2.9% |
Total | 8.21% |
Income Tax
Colorado Corporate Income Tax Rate: 4.63%
Property Tax
The County Assessor determines the actual market value of your property, the Colorado Legislature sets the assessment percentage, and the taxing agencies set the mill levies. The City of Arvada maintains one of the lowest property tax rates in the Denver Metro Area with a mill levy of just 4.31.
Property Tax Example
The following example illustrates how property taxes are calculated:
Actual Value x Assessment % = Assessed Value x Mill Levy = Taxes Dues
Questions regarding property tax should be addressed to the county that your property resides in:
Jefferson County Assessor (303) 271.8330
Adams County Assessor (720) 523.6038
Need Assistance?
Contact the AEDA staff directly at 720.898.7010 or [email protected].