Gov. Polis Delivers 2020 State of the State Address
Gov. Jared Polis delivered the 2020 State of the State address to the Colorado General Assembly.
“Colorado has always been a state of trailblazers. Ours is a state of can-do people. We don’t back down from a challenge, and we don’t quit when the going gets tough,” said Governor Polis in the address. “The state of our state is strong. It is forward-thinking. It is dynamic. It is bold. And it is courageous. Now let’s get to work and show the world what we can accomplish together.”
“Colorado siempre ha sido un estado de pioneros. Somos un estado de personas que pueden hacerlo todo. No retrocedemos ante un desafío y no renunciamos cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles “, dijo el gobernador Polis en el discurso. “La situación actual de nuestro estado es fuerte. Es progresista. Es dinámica. Es audaz. Y es valiente. Ahora vamos a trabajar y mostrarle al mundo lo que podemos lograr juntos “.
Read the text of the speech as prepared for delivery here. Watch the full speech here.